Individuals or corporations that hold an interest in property within our service area are eligible for membership. A Class A voting share costs $10.00. All memberships must be approved by the Board of Directors. A map of the service area, Co-op Bylaws, Terms and Conditions of Service and membership application forms are found on the Forms page.
Members are entitled to the right to access the water distribution system through a service connection. Water supply to one service connection is referred to as one Capacity Unit. Capacity Units are represented by 10,000 Class B non-voting shares. The current price is $35,000.00. Once purchased, Capacity Units are assigned to individual properties and are transferred to a new member when a property is sold. There is a $300.00 transfer fee, normally paid by the purchaser of the property. As this is a share transfer, the seller, or current owner of the Class B shares must sign the required transfer form.

Members are responsible for installing and maintaining their water line from the curbstop to the residence or end use. Each connection must be installed by a qualified contractor and must meet the Co-op’s established standards Service Connection Specifications. Service connections must be inspected by Rocky View Water Co-op prior to backfill.
A Water Supply Control panel, including the water meter, flow restrictor, valve and pressure control, must be installed. These are available for purchase from the Co-op.
For further information, download the Membership Information on the Forms page.