The Co-op operates on the premise that all development should pay for itself. Developers and property owners are responsible for all costs incurred to service properties, and will be required to complete a Water Services Agreement with the Co-op prior to development. This agreement will define the terms and conditions of development including design standards, fees, construction and maintenance security, Water Supply Control panels etc.

Capacity Unit
A Capacity Unit is designated for the property which it has been purchased, and provides access to the Co-op’s treated water system. One CU provides up to 22.725 liters per minute (5 IGPM) of instantaneous flow-restricted supply, subject to an average rate of supply of 2.2725 liters per minute (0.5 IGPM) over a 24-hour period or 3,272.4 liters per day (720 IGPD).
A Developer is required to purchase one CU for each lot or parcel in a residential subdivision and not less than two CU’s for each lot or parcel in a commercial subdivision before any waterline construction will be approved.
For further information, download the Property Developer Information on the Forms page.